Adult & Aging Creatively
Our Adult classes are designed to offer continued professional and recreational dance training for adults of all ages. We are proud to have a highly skilled team of teachers who aim to create a supportive and welcoming atmosphere in the studio. The Aging Creatively program provides an enriching opportunity for seniors to share the joy of movement together while promoting the health and well-being of each individual. Participation in these classes promotes strength, agility, coordination, memory, creativity, balance, mental clarity, and a sense of connection. While Aging Creatively Classes are created with accessibility for seniors in mind, we encourage students 18 & up to participate in these classes. Similarly, we encourage our Aging Creatively students to participate in our Adult Classes.
Payment Plans
Best Value
Monthly Unlimited
Every month
With this plan, you have access to all of our regularly scheduled Adult and Aging Creatively classes! This plan benefits you if you plan to take at least 5-7 classes per month.
Valid until canceled